Local History

Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

November is the month when the British wear a red poppy to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives during wars. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month marks the signing of the Armistice on 11th November

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Martin Moore: A Policeman in 1940s Palestine

Martin Moore: A Policeman in 1940s Palestine

Too often personal stories get lost in history. When public commemorations happen, a parade will be planned or a dignitary will speak of the number of lives lost and progress we have made in the years gone past. But captivating, true personal stories

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Tony (Rasher) Doyle R.I.P.

Tony (Rasher) Doyle R.I.P.

The family of the late Tony (Rasher) Doyle wish to say a sincere Thank You to all those who helped us, sympathised with us, donated their time, sent condolences, called to the house with food, flowers etc. and who were with us throughout

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Remembering Noah

Remembering Noah

Jason and Debbie Reid’s world was turned upside down when their unborn son Noah was diagnosed with Potters Syndrome/Bilateral Renal Agenesis, which is a condition that inhibits the formation of kidneys in the foetus. With the support of family, friends and the Little Lifetime Foundation

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Niamh Walsh Rememberance

Niamh Walsh Rememberance

We would like to say thanks to everyone who touched or was touched by Niamh’s life. €580 was generously received by Enable Ireland on your behalf. From the Walsh family. Garden In Heaven There Was A Special Garden in Heaven

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