Local History

Dreaming of Billy the Kid

Dreaming of Billy the Kid

William Bonney aka Billy the Kid was born in New York of Irish parents in 1860. Both parents died young and Billy was shipped to relatives in Arizona at 14 years of age. These relatives did not know, or want […]

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New Light on Naylor Tragedy

New Light on Naylor Tragedy

NewsFour put a call out last summer, on behalf of Councillor Paddy McCartan, for a source on the life circumstances and personal history of Margaret Naylor. She was the first female casualty of the battles that took place during the […]

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Speedway: One More Round

Speedway: One More Round

Recent changes in economic fortunes have meant a rebranding of Shelbourne Park’s image to cater for the three-times-weekly greyhound racing meetings, but the venue’s oval track has a strong history of burning rubber and engine oil since 1927. Speedway racing

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The Heyday of Skiffle

The Heyday of Skiffle

Rock and roll was born in the mid-1950s and took off in a big way with the young generation. To them it was a modern form of jazz. They danced to it in the same way their parents danced to

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A Social and Natural History of Sandymount, Irishtown and Ringsend

A Social and Natural History of Sandymount, Irishtown and Ringsend

This anthology of essays and images proposes to do exactly what the title says: within its pages are 32 essays on the history and environment of the famed Dublin 4 neighbourhoods named in the title. A collaborative

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Isles of the Sea 1901

Isles of the Sea 1901

During the East Coast Skiff rowing season I got talking to my good friend Mick Curry. We were discussing an article in NewsFour about the Ringsend Gaelic Football team Inse Na Mara who won the 1901 All Ireland. Isles of

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Bonfires on New Year’s Eve

Bonfires on New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve was crazy. All the gangs from the area would go gathering materials for the bonfires. They would collect pallets, wooden crates, tyres and anything else that would burn. The Villas, Whelan House, O’Rahilly House, George Reynolds, Stella […]

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Return of the Milkman

Return of the Milkman

Father and son team Patrick and Paddy Kelly are milkmen who deliver to your home, so you can wake up to fresh milk on your doorstep. But there will be an extra reason to wake up early this week and […]

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Beatles 50th Anniversary

RTÉ news reporter Frank Hall interviewed The Beatles when they came to Ireland to perform in November 1963 and tomorrow we mark the 50th anniversary. I stumbled across an interview on RTÉ player and was nearly in tears laughing at […]

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The Purdy-Curran Chronicles

The Purdy-Curran Chronicles

A few months ago I was watching the TV programme Countryfile when a picture flashed up on the screen of a German U-boat covered in mud on the seabed. I think it was from the 1914-18 war and it was […]

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