to be added
11th December 2012
Culinary Corner – Party Poppers
It’s always nice to have a plate of pretty morsels to pass around during the party season. Here are two canapé recipes that are impressive to look at but easy to make.
11th December 2012
FG Senator Proposes ‘Welfare Ceiling’
The amount of welfare benefits a family is entitled to should be limited according to a Fine Gael Senator. The measure, proposed by a Fine Gael Senator for Dublin South East Catherine Noone, proposes the introduction of a ‘welfare ceiling’
10th December 2012
Enable Ireland charity event in Angel Inspirations
A charity day in aid of Enable Ireland will be taking place in Angel Inspirations Holistic Centre in Sandymount Village on Saturday 15th December from 10am to 6pm. Treat yourself to a free Reiki Session, Homeopathy advice, Medium Reading, Tarot
CharityChristmasLocal NewsSandymount
10th December 2012
12 Shows of Christmas
There are many things that we only do at Christmas in this country. It's the only time outside of a funeral that some of us will darken a church door without the promise of a free meal and a loose bridesmaid after it.
Arts & CultureChristmasTheatre
11th October 2012
Sad fate of Sandymount Seal
Moira Lawson, a photographer based in Dublin, took an early morning stroll on Sandymount Beach recently. The tide was way out and Moira noticed a rather unusual looking lump on the beach. The lump turned out to be a baby seal
Local NewsSandymountWildlife
10th October 2012
Fairytale Starts for Railway’s Newest Teams
If Carlsberg did season openers, they might just look to Railway Union’s newly-fledged Under 21s and Women’s teams for inspiration. The U21s side travelled to Clane for their first ever line-up in a 10-a-side tournament. Although the weather wasn’t ideal,
5th October 2012
Learning From Each Other
With businesses keen to enhance their reputations and community and charitable organisations in dire need of resources, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has never been so vital. The ethos of CSR is no longer simply about companies ‘giving back’ to the community,
CharityLocal News
2nd October 2012
Remembering Anthony (Flyer) Flood
First Birthday Away From Home Born 8th October 1941 Birthday wishes we send today, To the Stars in the sky not far away, Let the Stars be your candles, Keep them burning bright, So when we look up to the
Local HistoryMemorial
1st October 2012
Tony (Rasher) Doyle R.I.P.
The family of the late Tony (Rasher) Doyle wish to say a sincere Thank You to all those who helped us, sympathised with us, donated their time, sent condolences, called to the house with food, flowers etc. and who were with us throughout
Local HistoryMemorial
1st October 2012
Open House at Poolbeg
The famous power station is among the many buildings open to the public in October How much value do you place on the buildings that make up your city? Do you see them as merely bricks and mortar, some of which
Planning and Architecture