Liza Caulfield’s Glee Club was officially launched in Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre with members of the kids and ladies wowing the crowd by performing a variety of songs that they had learned previously during the six week pilot scheme during the summer.
Everyone enjoyed a cuppa and yummy homemade cakes made by Jennifer Betts and Frances Harrison while having the opportunity to get all the information about what this wonderful singing club can offer and could sign up on the night for the new term in September.

Liza also showcased her vocal range and you could have heard a pin drop as her striking euphonious voice filled the room, as she performed a beautiful solo of ‘Feels like home’, a song that has a special place in her heart.
Multi talented Liza has also teamed up with two charity partners, Women’s Aid and Barnardos for a Glee Christmas concert on December 19th in St Matthews Church in Irishtown so save that date in the diary!
Glee Club kids classes are on Mondays at 4.45pm-6.15pm for youths aged 7-17 and the Glee ladies classes are Thursdays at 6.15pm-7.45pm in Ringsend and Irishtown Community Centre.
For more information contact Glee Club Ringsend on Facebook, Instagram or email Lizacaulfield@gmail.com