Movie of the week – Phantom Thread
Featuring what is reportedly Daniel Day Lewis’s final performance, Phantom Thread is a stunningly realised relationship drama set in the high fashion world of 1950s London. Lewis is outstanding as Reynolds Woodcock, a narcissistic fashion designer whose independence is challenged when he falls for a young Eastern European immigrant. Beautifully shot and performed, it’s an immersive experience that you can’t keep your eyes off, and an early contender for 2018’s best film.

Roman J. Israel, Esq.
Denzel Washington grows his hair and his belly to portray the title character of legal drama Roman J. Israel, Esq., a sloppy story of a well-meaning lawyer corrupted by the cynicism of his profession. Washington is as watchable as ever, but the movie takes an age to settle on the story it wishes to tell, and you’ll find your patience severely tested.

Groundhog Day
The influence of Groundhog Day can be seen in such recent films as Edge of Tomorrow and Happy Death Day, and you have a chance to see the 1993 original on Friday evening at the Lighthouse. Bill Murray gives a career best performance as the cynical weatherman who finds himself reliving the titular day over and over again.
By Eric Hillis of themoviewaffler.com