Movie of the week – A Clockwork Orange
Removed from circulation in Ireland and the UK when its director, Stanley Kubrick, received death threats, A Clockwork Orange returned to screens upon his death in 1999. It’s back on the big screen at the Lighthouse on Tuesday. Part of a wave of dark urban fables that emerged from British cinema in the early ’70s, it’s a cinematic treat that questions the nature of free will, with an iconic lead performance from Malcolm McDowell.

In a Lonely Place
Actress Gloria Grahame has come back into focus with Annette Bening playing her in Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool. Two of her movies are playing in Dublin cinemas this weekend. At the Irish Film Institute you can catch Greene alongside Humphrey Bogart in 1950’s In a Lonely Place, while over at the Lighthouse she’s starring opposite Glenn Ford in 1953’s The Big Heat. Both are highly recommended!

George Clooney returns to directing with Suburbicon, a comic thriller that’s neither funny nor thrilling. Set in the early ’60s, it’s a half-baked murder mystery with a sub-plot concerning the racism of the era. Neither element works, and the latter feels particularly patronising and misguided.
By Eric Hillis of themoviewaffler.com