Dogs doing what they do
Dogs Trust will host their annual Supporters Day at The Doggie Do with Dogs Trust this Sunday, September 10th, in Herbert Park.
The Doggie Do with Dogs Trust, is a celebration of the unique bond we share with our canine friends. The afternoon includes cultural talks with dog friendly artists & writers, photography demos and lots more.
People can speak to specialist Canine Carers to find out about all the furry residents at the Dogs Trust rehoming centre in Finglas, who are currently looking for homes. The ‘Pup up Shop’ returns, there will be face painting, plus a drop-in clinic with expert dog behaviourists.
Festival goers can expect lots of interactive entertainment including chill out zone ‘Doggie and Soul’ for those four legged friends feeling a little overwhelmed, and a secure off-leash area (The Do Run-Run). Human guests will also be catered for with nosh from top food traders and a ‘ReTAIL Therapy’ area.
By: Paul O’Rourke