Back Row Left to right: Derek Murphy, Sean Caulfield, Marie Connelly, Pat Micheau, Tom Boylan, John Wilson Front Row Left to right: Dolores Timmons, Kay Flood, Marie Montgomery, Rose Donnelly, Rose Behan, Alice Weafer, Betty Downey, Noleen Dunwoody, Bernard Flood Team member missing from the photo – Tommy Hulgraine. Photo by Susan Daly.
At the back of the CYWMS in Ringsend, is a room perfectly sized for the sport, where the Ringsend Active Retirement (RAR) Indoor Short Mat bowling team practice.
It is here that on Wednesdays,Thursdays and Fridays, the squad, who are crying out for new members, have trained and played their home matches, in what has proven to be the highest standard in Dublin.
On May 27th at the Afternoon Presentation Dance event held at the Regency Hotel, in front of a guest list of 265 players, the RAR bowling team were awarded their third First Division league title trophy in the Dublin Afternoon Indoor Bowling League.
The league which takes in players from the age of 50 and upwards incorporates 27 teams from the North, East, West and South of Dublin. There is no age limit in the league and RARs Bowling Chairman Derek Murphy told NewsFour that when they travel out to play St Luke’s team, they have a player who is ninety-four and one of their best. As the squad numbers have dwindled over the years, RARs bowling team have had to let go some of their club’s
teams and this year saw the loss of their B team with only the First Division squad remaining.
The Dublin Afternoon Bowling League originally had seven leagues but the numbers have gone down to four with each having eight teams competing for that leagues title. The RAR bowling team began their club history at the CYWMS placed in the seventh division and over a 27 year period have promoted themselves up to the First Division and won that title for the third time this year.
In preparation for next season, Murphy is appealing to people in the area over 50 to get in touch with him if they are interested in joining this long standing club of the community. If you wish to find out more information please contact Derek Murphy on 087-9779335
By Paul Carton