Above: Sandymount Strand.
NewsFour bring you main points of two meetings, in February and March, of the South East Area Committee that have occurred since last issue. These committee meetings are the public forum where your local representatives give voice to the community’s concerns that have been reported to them. The main details emerging relevant to the Dublin 4 area are reported below.
Cllr. Frank Kennedy requested that a pedestrian crossing be installed at the top of Marlborough Road so that pedestrians, especially school children, can cross from one side of Sandford Road to the other. The executive stated that it would be looked into by the Traffic Advisory group and that he would be informed “in due course”.
Cllr. Claire Byrne asked the manager about how frequently the containers for the strategic supply of sandbags along Sandymount Strand are used each year. It was clarified that the containers on Sandymount Strand are stocked with sandbags for use by the residents when a high tide or low tide may threaten the properties. It was further stated that “it is prudent” to have them in place for residents.
Cllr. Mannix Flynn requested the Area Manager for a full report on the continuing anti-social behaviour at Ringsend Park. He also inquired as to what efforts were being made to resolve this issue by DCC.
Finally, he asked about the progress of seat removal from the covered-in seating area, as was agreed with the Parks Department.
He was informed that the Ringsend Irishtown Community Safety Forum “meets quarterly to address issues of community safety in the area.” Efforts to resolve this through the committee involve proposals regarding the seating area known as the “teen zone”, implementing the Local Environment Improvement Plan (LEIP) in relation to the park.

Below: Ringsend Park.
Photos by Kevin O’Gorman.
The area continues to be patrolled by An Garda Síochána. Members of the Safety Forum include representation from DCC South East Area Office, DCC Parks Services, An Garda Síochána, Cllr Dermot Lacey and local community and sports organisation reps.
On behalf of the councillors, Cllr Lacey requested that the possibility of Dodder Action Group being given the old premises of the waste depot at the end of Pembroke Cottages as a storage area for their Dodder cleaning equipment be examined and that the group be met with to discuss this. The council executive stated that they would examine the proposals among others.
Cllr Lacey also inquired whether there were any plans to place “planters” such as boulders, nest boxes or similar along the Dodder between Ballsbridge and the Dart line.
This was due to the area looking “very sterile and bleak.” In reply, it was stated that the building works that are happening nearby will continue and “invasive species” will be dealt with, while efforts will be made to aid aquatic life. However, “there is no scope for greening here” according to the council executive.
Cllr Kennedy stated that the committee had resolved to write to the National Transport Agency (NTA) to ask when it intends to release information on the public consultation process for the NTA scheme for the Sandymount, Merrion, Blackrock Corridor and Merrion Gates proposal. The executive members stated that if it was agreed by the committee, then the South East Area Office would write to the NTA.
Cllr Byrne put forward the motion that this committee would support members of North Port Dwellers’ Association and other local residents in their complaints regarding “the breaches of permitted working hours” in the Docklands area. DCC replied that it was monitoring these sites and that in exceptional circumstances approval may be given for extended working hours. These requests are assessed by the Planning Department. DCC is currently reviewing these working protocols in the SDZ zone. A draft protocol is being developed and will be issued to all interested parties. Once comments have been received, a finalised version will be released.
Cllr Andrews recommended that the committee write to the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, Simon Coveney, “to express the dismay and disappointment that Ringsend has no community representation on the newly formed Docklands Oversight and Consultative Forum” (DOCF).
The executive explained that a number of applications were considered but due to limited places it was not possible to appoint someone from Ringsend. Appointments are made every three years and it is intended to change the makeup of the committee in 2020. In addition, councillors Dermot Lacey and Claire Byrne have suggested a sub-committee of the DOCF that would assist the DOCF and which would contain a representative from Ringsend.
Compiled by Kevin Mac Sharry