Movie of the week – Hunt for the Wilderpeople
New Zealand’s smash hit comic drama Hunt for the Wilderpeople arrives on our shores this week, and it’s every bit as enjoyable as the hype suggests. Sam Neill is outstanding as the gruff widower who finds himself the subject of a manhunt when he disappears into the bush with his foster son (Julian Dennison, equally great). Briskly paced, the movie often resembles a live action Muppet movie, firing out gags at a rapid rate, while not skimping on drama and pathos.

Mattress Men
If you live in D4 you’ll no doubt be familiar with cult figure Mattress Mick. He’s the subject of new documentary Mattress Men, which screens at the Irish Film Institute on Thursday evening. The film follows Mick, and his self-appointed PR man Paul Kelly, as they shoot the music video which went on to become a viral hit last year. It’s hilarious, touching and thoroughly gripping.

Irish shorts
Tonight is Culture Night of course, and the IFI is offering a free program of Irish shorts tonight, a mix of brand new shorts and classics pulled from the extensive Irish Film Archive.

Pretty in Pink
Tomorrow night you can celebrate American culture with a special ‘Prom Night’ event at the Lighthouse cinema, where they’ll be screening a double bill of cult ’80s teen dramas Pretty in Pink and Valley Girl. Those attending are encouraged to dress as though attending a prom.
By Eric Hillis of themoviewaffler.com