Movie of the Week – Brief Encounter
It’s a good week for David Lean fans, with a brand new restoration of Brief Encounter playing all week at the Irish Film Institute, and Bridge Over the River Kwai at the Lighthouse Sunday and Wednesday. Both are stone cold classics, albeit very different, and Lean’s work really needs to be seen on a big screen.

The best new release is Irish drama Brooklyn, which sees Saoirse Ronan on top form as a young Irish woman who emigrates to the titular New York borough in the 1950s, where she falls for an Italian-American. The film captures the Irish psyche in a way few have and watch out for that crushing scene with a guilt tripping Irish Mammy!

Kill Your Friends
Kill Your Friends is a mediocre American Psycho ripoff that transfers that classic’s story to ’90s London and the world of an A&R man played with gusto by Nicholas Hoult.

Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse is the latest brainless cash-in on the seemingly eternal popularity of the zombie genre. There’s nothing here you haven’t seen before in countless straight to DVD horror comedies.
By Eric Hillis