Pic: MorgueFile
Thinking of starting your own business?
Terenure Enterprise Centre will be holding a course designed to steer jobseekers who are interested in setting themselves up in their own business in the right direction.
The six sessions each run from 9.30am to 12pm, and will cover company formation, financial and business planning, online promotion and marketing costs, taxation, enterprise supports and goal setting, all with a view to helping you form a vital part of the inception of any business: a coherent, written business plan.
The course starts on Thursday, November 5, and runs each Thursday until December 10. It is free of charge and open to jobseekers living in the Canal Communities Partnership’s catchment area of Dublin 4, 6, 6W, 12 and 8. For more information, and to register your interest, contact Lorraine or Michelle on (01) 490 3237, or email Michelle at mhannon@terenure-enterprise.ie.
By Aimée Mac Leod