A volunteer helps out on Dodder Day 2014.
Pic: Ross Waldron for Newsfour
Dodder Action is looking for storage space!
The group, which organises clean-ups of the banks of the Dodder as well as the river itself, has accumulated quite a bit of equipment over the course of its work – pickers, gloves, high visibility vests, shovels and brushes – and now needs somewhere to store them!
Do you have a spare shed or container close to the Dodder that could house the gear? Do you have a link to a business that might be able to help out by way of sponsorship? If so, get in touch with the group’s secretary Victoria White at dodderaction@gmail.com.
Dodder Action would also like to remind the public that there will be a meeting this Thursday in Ryan’s of Windy Arbor at 8.30pm. This meeting is being held to review policy and grant applications, fix a date for the AGM in November and organise this weekend’s UCD volunteers’ Dodder Clean Up. The meeting point for the UCD Dodder Clean Up is O’Shea’s Car Park in Clonskeagh at 10am on Saturday.
By Aimée Mac Leod