Pictured: Sueann Moore, left, sees what the cards hold for Anita McPhillips.
Each year, March 8th marks the day that women are recognised and celebrated as part of a global awareness campaign around women’s issues and greater equality.
The Spellman Centre on Irishtown Road has celebrated this day for a number of years now and this year (if not the exact date thanks to the 8th falling on a Sunday), thanks to the coordination of Sueann Moore, hosted a free pampering day on Tuesday March 10th, which was well attended by many appreciative local women.
Among the treatments available on the day were Angel Cards, read by Sueann herself, Reiki, massage, waxing, haircutting and mini facials. Liz Carroll, who is currently working on plans to open a Citizen’s Information Centre in the area was on hand to give advice on a range of issues, while they waited for the treatments.
“The centres we are running presently in Vincent’s Hospital and Harold’s Cross Hospice are well received,” Sueann told NewsFour. “We try to place centres in locations where vulnerable people can access the service. Watch this space for more on the upcoming service.”
Also on hand was Keith Williams, who works as an addiction counsellor at the Spellman centre, to give a talk on nutrition. He gave some useful tips about supplements that can aid a youthful appearance. “Health and nutrition is a love of mine and I spend a lot of time researching the subject.”
To give a full and accurate account of the day, it was necessary for NewsFour to sample the treatments with a mini makeover from Liza Caulfield and a relaxing hand massage from Natasha Moore. This was Moore’s first day volunteering with the centre and she feels she has found the right place to nurture her skills. “I would like to do Psychology when I leave school and have done a beauty course. I love working with people.”
Moore applied an exfoliating scrub before applying a soothing lotion, while warning of the importance of removing dead skin cells for absorption of the lotion.
The event suceeded in encouraging a sense of female bonding, helped along by the relaxing atmosphere created by aromatherapy, tea, delicious cakes baked by the talented Liza Caulfield and some therapeutic chatting.
By Maria Shields O’Kelly