Pictured above: Sea Scouts Padraig and Hannah present a defibrillator to Joe McCann, Chair of BADRA. Image supplied by Dodder Sea Scouts.
Dodder Sea Scout Group celebrated the group’s 80th Anniversary in 2014. Lots of extra events took place, encompassing a Group Camp in Lough Dan, an Afternoon Tea Party for our senior neighbours, Sea Scout Camp to Czech Republic, and a Family Fun Day on the Dodder bank.
As we neared the end of our special year, we explored what we could do to leave something tangible yet symbolic, representing what scouting is about, to our community.
In November/December, we started fundraising, the aim being to purchase a defibrillator and to have this accessible to both our members and our neighbours.
Three months later, we are proud to say that we presented a defibrillator to the community of Bath Avenue. And thanks to the success of our Christmas fundraising (12 Days Christmas ticket sales) and a grant from Local Drugs Task Force, we were able to purchase a second defibrillator, which we have installed in our Scout Den in Derrynane Gardens.
On Friday 6th March, 19 members from our Scout Group, along with members from Bath Avenue District Residents’ Association. participated in a training course on CPR/AED.
Established in 1934, the 4th Port Sea Scout Den is at Derrynane Gardens, Bath Avenue, Dublin 4.
By Geraldine Smith