Movie of the week – To Have and Have Not
Sunday afternoon sees the Irish Film Institute screen Howard Hawks’ 1944 classic To Have and Have Not, the first pairing of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. The couple ooze chemistry, delivering some of cinema’s most sexually charged dialogue (“You know how to whistle, don’t you, Steve? You just put your lips together and… blow…”) in one of the era’s finest movies.

If one Bogie flick isn’t enough for you, stick around for the IFI’s Sunday screening of Casablanca. One of the most famous, and indeed misquoted, movies of all time, it really is a cracking good yarn.

Con Air
On Saturday night The Lighthouse is presenting ‘Con Air with cocktails’, a chance to enjoy the ’90s Nicholas Cage actioner while under the influence – arguably the best way to experience a Nic Cage flick. This is one of his best, from a long lost time when he was actually making some good career choices.
It’s a mediocre week for new releases, with the best of the bunch being Avengers: Age of Ultron, the latest superhero behemoth. This is something of an improvement on previous Marvel movies, with genuine wit and some exciting visuals, but once again it ends in a dull, overblown and overlong final set-piece.
The Falling is an atmospheric drama set in a 1960s girls school, where the pupils begin to fall victim to a mysterious bout of fainting, but it’s ultimately let down by some soapy sub-plots.
Next Thursday I’ll be presenting a double bill of movies inspired by real-life serial killer Ed Gein at Rathmines MART Gallery. Its a fiver in on the night (BYOB).
By Eric Hillis