Heron on the Dodder
Pic: NewsFour’s Ross Waldron
Want to get involved in maintaining the preservation and development of the Dodder area?
The Dodder Action Group will be holding their first meeting of the season tomorrow in Ryan’s Arbour House in Windy Arbour at 8.30pm.
They have plenty to discuss, with their annual walk of the river provisionally planned for the weekend of March 20 and the Dodder Day penciled in for April 18, as well as news of two solar-powered compactor bins installed on Milltown and Clonskeagh bridges, and the likelihood of receiving funding from Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council for their ecology and heritage day.
They would appreciate the help of any volunteers who would like to get involved, so if you are interested pop along to the meeting or email dodderaction@gmail.com. You can keep up to date with their website and Facebook page.
By Aimée Mac Leod