Pic: Shellybanks ETNS
Shellybanks Educate Together National School needs your help!
Shellybanks ETNS has opened its doors to its first class of Junior Infants this week, and as a new school, they are in need of some community kindness! They have put together a wishlist of items that they need to get the school year going, and are hoping that you can help out.
The list covers a variety of items – from toys to first aid kits to computers – which they are hoping that the general public can provide, but as some of the items on their wishlist are quite large and expensive, the school would also be happy to accept any offers from local businesses.
The items on the wishlist are not just for the current class, but for those who will be joining the school in years to come, and so Shellybanks ETNS would ask that anything donated is new and in good working order.
The wishlist is as follows:
Office printer
Office telephone
Office fax machine
Paper shredder
Filing cabinets with keys (for office and classrooms)
Whiteboards (interactive and regular)
New computers & suitable educational software
Classroom printers
CD player
Staff Room:
Coffee maker
Cups & plates
First aid kits
Tea towels, wash liquid, etc.
In the Classroom:
Classroom sand box
Plastic storage boxes
Good quality children’s books
Globes & maps
Jigsaw puzzles
Sports equipment (balls, racquets, beanbags, bibs, yoga mats, football cones)
Toys (construction, dress-up, wooden)
New paints, trays, brushes and containers
New glue sticks, glue and spreaders
Dustpans and brushes
Paper (computer, drawing, display papers)
Plastic tablecloths
Musical instruments
Safe counting objects, e.g. lollipop sticks, cubes, etc.
Gift certs
Cash donations
You can make arrangements for delivery or collection by emailing the school at info@shellybanksetns.ie, or calling 087 966 7892.
By Aimée Mac Leod