Dublin PARK(ing) Day 2014

Picnic spot by GoCar on Barrow Street in 2013. Pic: Dublin PARK(ing) Day

Picnic spot by GoCar on Barrow Street in 2013.
Pic: Dublin PARK(ing) Day

Keep an eye out on your travels tomorrow for something strange and wonderful happening in Dublin’s parking spaces.

Dublin PARK(ing) Day will turn metred parking spaces around the city into bright and quirky public spaces, open for the public to explore.

PARK(ing) Day is a global movement aimed at raising awareness of the need for good, accessible public spaces and streets, getting artists, businesses, designers and public health activists involved to put together installations that open up metred parking spaces for alternative uses. Cities which are thought to have the most liveable streets are regularly rated as the best for businesses and for individual quality of life.

This year is the fourth time that Dublin has joined in on this international event, which takes place annually on the third Friday in September.

You can find out more on the Dublin PARK(ing) Day Facebook page or by following them on Twitter. You can find a map with a list of this year’s locations here, and this video of PARK(ing) Day 2012 will give you an idea of what is in store.

By Aimée Mac Leod