Railway Keep on Bowling…

By Rupert Heather

Bowling_the next generation

With a history dating back over 100 years Railway Union Bowling Club, traditionally one of the foremost clubs in Dublin is on the rise again, but this time with local youth leading the way.

Having won Division 3 of the Bowling League of Ireland (BLI) last season, the club will once again be restored to senior status. Indeed, that achievement is even more momentous if you consider that it’s only the third time the men’s club has won a league. Previous honours coming in 1945 and 1969.

1st team skipper and Club Captain Derek Kells says, “The secret has been in creating the camaraderie. People have the idea it’s easy but there is a huge degree of skill involved and we’re still learning.”

Forget the notion that lawn green bowling is solely for the senior citizen or those seeking an easier alternative to more skilled sports. Adam Kells, Ciaran Carrick and Zack Martin, of the current first team crop are under 25 Internationals. Rising star Andrew Jackson is only 14 years old.

The Railway Union Club is a founder member of Irish Free State Bowling League subsequently the BLI, instituted in 1927 to the promote the game. With six rinks, playable in both directions, and the purchase of a pavilion in the seventies, the clubs facilities are second to none.

2nd Team Captain Brendan Bolland, who is also a member of the senior team, is keen to emphasise that the club is always on the lookout for new players. He says, “The junior league competitions take place on Monday nights, it’s great fun, especially for those who might be learning the game.”

With both league competitions and numerous cups there is plenty of scope to get involved. Whether it’s to practice, learn the basics or to play competitive matches, both young and old, experienced players and newcomers are all welcome.

Email Derek Kells at DGK61@live.com