Archive for December 2012

One Punch Awareness Campaign

One Punch Awareness Campaign

West Yorkshire Police in England started a campaign which has been rolled out all over the UK and Northern Ireland. It is aimed predominantly at young males aged 18-25 and highlights the risks of getting involved in an argument or

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Older and Bolder

Older and Bolder

On October 18th hundreds of people from Older and Bolder gathered outside Leinster House with placards and posters to protest at the cuts in Home Helps and Home Care Packages. For some of the people involved it was the first

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Our National Treasure

Our National Treasure

Money’s too tight to mention and with another tough budget looming, it’s safe to say, it’s probably not going to get any better for our already over-stretched pockets. But here in the heart of Dublin we have a neglected resource,

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Niamh Kavanagh

Niamh Kavanagh

Last month some of Ireland’s biggest Eurovision stars performed a collection of the most memorable songs from the contest’s back catalogue at The Bord G·is Energy Theatre. Amongst them was Niamh Kavanagh, singer of the most beloved winning entry, In

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Naturopathic Nutrition

Naturopathic Nutrition

The FATS of Life Many of us have been brought up with the notion that eating fatty food leads to more curvaceous hips, a larger waistline and an early heart attack….. well I’m here to set the record straight. NOT

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Natural Childbirth

Natural Childbirth

For most women hospital is an integral part of pregnancy but not for Katie Ingle the former Sandymount resident. When Katie first became pregnant she knew straight away that a hospital birth was not for her. She spoke to her

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Thank Murtaghs it’s Friday…

Thank Murtaghs it’s Friday...

Murtaghs hardware 27 years in Sandymount run their ‘Fiver Friday’ offer on the first Friday of every month. Five per cent of the day’s takings are donated to charities and local causes, based on the idea championed by The Joe

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Mr. Tilly’s Lights

Mr. Tilly's Lights

Mr. Tilly does it again with his amazing Christmas light spectacular. Every year Mr. Tilly puts on this display to raise money for the Our Lady’s Hospice. He lights up his house so that you can light up a life in the hospice. Last year Mr. Tilly raised over €8,000.

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Marble benches at the Lighthouse

Marble benches at the Lighthouse

I took a walk out to the lighthouse on a fine sunny day during the month of November and for the first time noticed two new marble benches which have been erected by the loving families of two men who

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Let’s Talk Turkey

Let’s Talk Turkey

It’s Christmas, you’ve been running around like a nut job getting presents, decorations, crackers, socks, mistletoe and eggnog. Your Christmas is looking good, you’re looking forward to it already, but there’s still one thing you haven’t dealt with…….the turkey.

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