Call of Duty Black Ops 2
Black Ops 2 can be divided into three parts; Campaign, Multi Player and Zombie mode. The Campaign was very good, it let you make some big decisions on the outcome of the game and it makes it playable with different storylines several times. The game is based in 2025 with characters having flashbacks of events that took place in the 80s all over the world from Panama to India. The multi player is great and introduces a new league feature and a whole new class system, making it easy to equip yourself with attachments that suit your game play. I found the multi player to be very fast and furious and a bit of an adrenaline rush, it’s pretty crazy! Zombie Mode is a nice change from the usual war stuff, more a survival adventure game with the new maps a lot bigger than before. It is also great for co-op or small team play.
Resident Evil 6
This is the latest of a long line of Resident Evil games and this time it is the biggest and best. It spans the globe with four campaigns and seven lead characters, all interlinked and takes around 25 hours to complete. It contains some of the best environments and settings in The Resident Evil history coupled with the best lighting and sound effects so far. The enemies are terrifying and very realistic. They have been mutated after contracting the new C Virus and how this new virus came about is explained during the unbelievable cinematic views during the game. In my opinion it is the best co-op game on the market where you can drop in and out of online play with your friends at any time.
FIFA 2013
Well EA Sports have released their latest soccer game just in time for Christmas and this time the main change has been to the dribbling system introducing more flicks and dummies. One of the new features allows your player to not have to face the way you want them to dribble to, making it more realistic. The game now takes into account the height of the ball, the speed and the statistics of the players themselves when they receive the ball making it much harder than before to judge passing, it is much more unpredictable. It also takes into account the player’s size so you can use your height and strength more to muscle other players off the ball. The new skill games are also very addictive and there are a lot of new ideas there too. But Match Day may be the best feature. The statistics of your team will go up or down depending on how they are doing in the real world and the commentary will relate to how players are doing in real life like being top scorer or if they have recently been benched. Well worth getting, much more fluent than last years version.