
Stocking Fillers

Stocking Fillers

The Christmas season of goodwill to all men is upon us and is evident in the unending list of charity cards and gifts now on offer. It can be difficult to pick one from all the worthy causes, but an excellent way to get that Christmassy glow during the pre-Christmas gift-buying

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Bonfires on New Year’s Eve

Bonfires on New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve was crazy. All the gangs from the area would go gathering materials for the bonfires. They would collect pallets, wooden crates, tyres and anything else that would burn. The Villas, Whelan House, O’Rahilly House, George Reynolds, Stella […]

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Remembrance of Chrimbos Past

Remembrance of Chrimbos Past

Christmas time is a season for reflection among other things. With advertising campaigns kicking into high gear as soon as Halloween is behind us provoking weeks of preparation and planning for gift-shopping, food and travel plans. By the time family are gathered

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Book Reviews: Christmas Stocking Fillers

Book Reviews: Christmas Stocking Fillers

Twas the Night Before Christmas In Clement C. Moore’s Twas the Night Before Christmas (Houghton Mifflin Company €9) the magic of St. Nicholas is described in great detail as children wait for his Christmas Eve visit. It begins with a simple yet imaginative set of descriptions;

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