The Star of the Sea BNS, Sandymount, have been awarded the prestigious An Gaelbhratach flag in recognition for platforming Gaeilge as a used everyday language, and to inspire respect for our national language amongst our pupils and staff. The Gaelbhratach was established in response to the need to create natural opportunities to speak Irish outside the formal classroom setting. The scheme which is funded by Foras Na Gaeilge and the Department of Education and Skills and organised by Gael Linn, commenced in the 2012/13 school year at primary level and at secondary level the following year.
The school, whose values include pride and respect for each other, had a little celebration when they raised the flag, with music and some Irish dancing on hand (and no doubt a well-deserved party!) Star of the Sea truly deserved the award thanks to the valiant efforts of their excellent team who work tirelessly towards promoting our language, and fully appreciate the prestige the award has conferred on them, not to mention a huge sense of pride.
Photos by Ian Davis