Community Response Fun Run returns for another year

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A map of the 2016 Fun Run.
Image provided by Sueann Moore (Outreach Development Worker, Ringsend Community Services Forum).

The annual Community Response Fun Run will take place in Phoenix Park on Wednesday May 25th at 7pm.

The Fun Run is an annual event which promotes the work of Community Response, a Primary Alcohol and Liver Health Service based in Dublin’s South Inner City. Funds raised by the event are used to empower people with addictions and change their lives.

The 2016 Fun Run will allow for participation by people of all fitness levels. There will be an option to engage in the 10k or 5k trek, and will be allowed to walk or run as they see fit. This will be the first Fun Run to make use of chip timing.

Everyone who registers to take part in this event will receive a free T-shirt. There will be a variety of prizes given to the winners of the different competitions.

Participants are encouraged to sign up in groups, as with groups of 10 members or more the rate is €10 per person. Individuals are charged €20 per person.

Registration is easy, and can be done at this link: It can also be done by calling 01 454 9772 or emailing