The unique and challenging game of Bridge continues to be very popular in the Sandymount area. There are at least four local venues where regular weekly Bridge sessions take place.
Railway Union Sports Club was rightly highlighted as one of these venues in the last edition of NewsFour. However, a new Bridge Club is now in full swing on the city side of Sandymount Village. This Club is based in the Iris Charles Centre, on Newbridge Avenue, just around the corner from Tritonville Road.
This building must be one of the hidden gems of Sandymount. A beautifully-appointed Centre, with two large, warm, comfortable function rooms, and a fully fitted kitchen and dining room, it offers various services to the elderly of this area. For only €4, a hot, four-course lunch is served on weekdays. And its rooms are available for hire by other groups and organizations.
One year ago, a Bridge Club was opened, catering for novice and experienced players alike. Fully registered with the Contract Bridge Association of Ireland, the Club now offers all that the social Bridge player needs. Full-sized bridge tables, comfortable chairs, bidding boxes, computerized scoring, and monetary prizes every session, regular brief tutorials on the rules and protocols of the game, combined with a sociable and neighbourly atmosphere, and a break for tea and biscuits, make this one of the most attractive Bridge Clubs in the area.
The Club is a non-profit making project, and any surplus is donated to the running of the Iris Charles Centre. As well as the enjoyment of playing Bridge, the Club offers a valuable way of meeting and getting to know your neighbours.
Bridge is played every Thursday night, from September to June, commencing at 7.15 pm sharp. Membership subscription is €30 per annum, and €5 per night. New members are now being welcomed. One can simply turn up, with or without a partner, and try a session, or one can phone the Hon. Secretary, Eleanor Devitt at 087 7402200, or the President, Michael Bennett at 087 9871891.
By Rodney Devitt