Archive for 2014

Council Adopts Docklands Plan

Council Adopts Docklands Plan

A new document concerning the planning and zoning of the Docklands and South Lotts was approved by Dublin City Council late last year. The plan, officially titled North Lotts and Grand Canal Dock Planning Scheme, will now become the framework […]

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Join the Cleanup Crew

Join the Cleanup Crew

Following the storms of early January, many stretches of the coast were littered with rubbish washed in from the sea. Particularly badly hit was the stretch of beach around the Poolbeg towers. With Dublin City Council’s resources over-stretched by the […]

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Is Dortspeak Disappearing?

Is Dortspeak Disappearing?

Debating identity never goes out of style in Ireland, and it’s not difficult to set the cat among the pigeons. Last October, lexicographer Terence Dolan sparked a brief debate within the media with his claim that the infamous dort accent […]

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Security Fears at Cambridge Court

Security Fears at Cambridge Court

The murder has left Cambridge Court (pictured) with an obvious sense of shock but has also increased concerns about the complex’s lack of security. “The security is non-existent in here,” said Willie Murphy a spokesman for the residents at Cambridge […]

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Cinema Roundup February 20th

Cinema Roundup February 20th

It’s been argued that 3D will never be anything more than a gimmick, one applied only to light entertainment rather than “serious” films, whatever that phrase actually means. Someone obviously didn’t tell this to the Russian film industry, as they’ve […]

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New Light on Naylor Tragedy

New Light on Naylor Tragedy

NewsFour put a call out last summer, on behalf of Councillor Paddy McCartan, for a source on the life circumstances and personal history of Margaret Naylor. She was the first female casualty of the battles that took place during the […]

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Donnybrook’s Hidden Bird Sanctuary

Donnybrook’s Hidden Bird Sanctuary

Nestled in the middle of Donnybrook, defying its busy urban surroundings is a wild bird sanctuary, home to Blackbirds, Finches, Robins, Thrushes, Blue Tits and bats. It was bequeathed to An Taisce by Miss Kathleen Goodfellow in 1971 and management […]

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Life Needed In Garden

Life Needed In Garden

Helen Dooley, director of The Life Centre tells NewsFour why she wants to bring life back into their isolated garden. The Life Centre on Pearse Square is an alternative education centre for 12-16 year olds who have been excluded from […]

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Herbert Park: How it Began

Herbert Park: How it Began

A boggy, marshy piece of land once known as Forty Acres is where Dublin’s Herbert Park evolved from and for local residents it’s an amenity not taken for granted. Today people jog, walk their dogs, workers eat their lunch and […]

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Welfare Perceptions Versus Reality

Welfare Perceptions Versus Reality

There are a few popular certainties taken for granted and rarely subjected to analysis. In Ireland today you’re likely to hear: “Lazy people collect the dole and avoid searching for work”, “There’s work out there if you really want to […]

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