Archive for 2014

Event Guide: February/March 2014

Event Guide: February/March 2014

In this event guide there’s some originality, a bit of 1950s, something obscure and something freaky but to calm it all down some Irish roots on Paddy’s Day with lots of traditional Irish music. Guitarist and band member of Jupiter […]

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Jack L for Vicar Street

Jack L for Vicar Street

Jack L headed off to Amsterdam one summer at the age of 18, living in a tent on campsites for nearly six months whilst busking and working in fish factories. “At one stage I ended up losing the tent and […]

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Brugh Pádraig Memories

Brugh Pádraig Memories

The annual mass for deceased members of Brugh Pádraig leaders and chaplins was held in St Andrew’s Community Centre on the 1st of November 2013. A large number of past members of the youth club turned up, it was the […]

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Brugh Pádraig Manchester 50th Year Re-union

Brugh Pádraig Manchester 50th Year Re-union

Last year in the February March issue of NewsFour I wrote about a planned 50th year club re-union between Brugh Pádraig Youth Club (under 16 Football Team) and St Clare’s Boys Football club in Manchester. This was to mark the […]

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The Daily Quiet

The Daily Quiet

It being the time of year where people have sworn themselves to new habits, the word meditation gets bandied about quite a bit. Resolutions may come and go as January blends into later months but advocates for this ancient practice […]

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Alternative Fitness

Alternative Fitness

For some people, getting off the couch to do exercise can be one of the hardest things to do so NewsFour went out in search of something fun to get you back on track with your new year goals. Belly […]

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It’s a Long Way to Tipperary

It’s a Long Way to Tipperary

It’s a Long Way to Tipperary was one of the biggest hits of World War I. The tune was written in 1912 by disabled songwriter Harry J. Williams from Warwickshire and Jack Judge, a music hall performer from West Bromwich. […]

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Dreaming of Billy the Kid

Dreaming of Billy the Kid

William Bonney aka Billy the Kid was born in New York of Irish parents in 1860. Both parents died young and Billy was shipped to relatives in Arizona at 14 years of age. These relatives did not know, or want […]

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A History of Old Shop Fronts

A History of Old Shop Fronts

The emergence of the consumer began during the 18th century, with the introduction of luxury goods such as tea, cotton and tobacco. People became customers and certain streets in a town or village became retail areas. Shops began to evolve […]

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Stella’s Sandbags

Stella’s Sandbags

If you’ve passed by Stella Gardens recently you’ll have noticed a significant crack in the Dodder flood wall. With the recent flooding, this has led to water seeping through. As a result, the council has installed sandbags to defend the […]

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